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Właściwości techniczne

Wymiary: 5800mm x 4480mm
Wymiary wewnętrzne: 4732mm x 3532mm
Wielkość tarasu: 2500mm x 2920mm
Grubość ścianki: 44 mm
Deski podłogowe: 28 mm
Płyty dachowe: 19 mm
Wysokość kalenicy: 2860 mm
Wysokość ściany bocznej: 2080 mm

Dodatkowe cechy:

  • Garden type, tilt & turn glass windows, mm: 700 x 1770 (x2), 1330 x 890
  • Typ ogrodowy, podwójnie przeszklone drzwi (na zewnątrz), mm: 1400 x 1920
  • Brak stawów palców
  • Compact, room and porch design

Standardowy zestaw kabiny z bali obejmuje

  • Tablice ścienne
  • Deski podłogowe
  • Płyty dachowe
  • Okna i drzwi z podwójnymi szybami

Classic log cabin design, paired with a porch with an overhang – that is the standard log cabin Tranquil. A perfect option to offer to clients that want a short-term retreat or a space for recreational purposes. The construction kit also includes garden type, tilt & turn windows that add coziness to the general design without sacrificing quality. If you and your customers are happy with the standard log cabin Tranquil offer, you can place your order bellow. If you need any changes made, you can also place a bespoke order and we will get back to you with our offer. While you wait, feel free to visit our program partnerski site to learn more about a long-term partnership.

Wymiary: 5800mm x 4480mm
Wymiary wewnętrzne: 4732mm x 3532mm
Wielkość tarasu: 2500mm x 2920mm
Grubość ścianki: 44 mm
Deski podłogowe: 28 mm
Płyty dachowe: 19 mm
Wysokość kalenicy: 2860 mm
Wysokość ściany bocznej: 2080 mm

Dodatkowe cechy:

  • Garden type, tilt & turn glass windows, mm: 700 x 1770 (x2), 1330 x 890
  • Typ ogrodowy, podwójnie przeszklone drzwi (na zewnątrz), mm: 1400 x 1920
  • Brak stawów palców
  • Compact, room and porch design

Standardowy zestaw kabiny z bali obejmuje

  • Tablice ścienne
  • Deski podłogowe
  • Płyty dachowe
  • Okna i drzwi z podwójnymi szybami

Expand your standard log cabins portfolio with high-quality, expertly produced cabins. With Eurodita as your partner, you will be able to elevate your brand image with quality and timely deliveries. Join our partner network with 100% customer satisfaction. Reach out to us via our program partnerski i porozmawiajmy o interesach!

Reasons your clients should buy Standard log cabin Tranquil: 

Add a classic log cabins to your portfolio and offer your customers an option for retreat and tranquility. Standard log cabin Tranquility is a wonderful, compact addition to a portfolio of any log cabin supplier, and it comes with a lot of great features:

  • Exceptional timber quality ? in our production process, we use only the finest quality timber – the Northern pine. It’s a softwood, known for its light colour, longevity and sturdiness.
  • Compact design ? a single room design, paired for a comfortable porch with an overhang. That is the classic approach to log cabins a lot of customers will appreciate.
  • Seasonality – log cabin Tranquil has walls at 44mm thick. They can be insulated during construction and are able to withstand heat and cold.
  • Made to measure ? all our products can be tailored to the needs of every client. Standard log cabin Tranquil is no exception. Offer your clients the freedom of adaptation and the possibility to see their dream designs in 3D before production.

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