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Log homes and gardens: edible forest garden

A lot of our partners have met clients that purchased glulam beams houses just to get away from crowded urban areas. A lot of these people end up near a forest, with their cozy bespoke summer houses looking out into the beautiful woodland. Some of these clients then face the next issue: how to grow a productive garden near their log home, when the forest casts a significant shade.

So we at Eurodita come to your aid, with more advice your clients can take in regards of what to grow around their glulam log cabins, even next to the forest. With our long years of experience, we saw numerous planting solutions even in areas with little sun.

And so, our primary advice is to plant an edible forest garden. This solution is best for those custom log homes owners that are looking to grow their own food and seeking to stay independent. A reclusive life style in houses built with glulam is a dream for some and a reality that can come true. In this post, we will go over the steps needed to start a forest garden and plants that feel well under a shade.

About forest gardens

So, what is a forest garden? This term is used to describe not the garden itself, but a planting method. It takes advantage of plants that like each other’s company, much like a forest ecosystem. These types of gardens do not require a lot of space and can be planted in a shade, as most plants like these also do not need a lot of sunlight.

Together with bespoke log homes or even custom mobile homes that do not have a lot of land available, a forest garden is a great space-saving choice. Also there is no need to take sunlight into much account.

How forest gardens are planted 

A basic forest garden comes in three layers: ground covers, shrubs and trees. These layers will feed off of each other and create a harmony in your log house garden. Additionally, if you have forest trees nearby, they can also be incorporated into the garden. If your clients are looking to build a garden that can help them live in their bespoke summer houses as independently as possible. To achieve this, your clients need to plan out their forest gardens well in advance and choose the plants they want to have well.

Ground covers. These are usually low-growing, edible plants that help keep the the weeds in control. It is especially important if your clients only live in their bespoke residential log cabins in warm seasons. Ground covering plants can keep the weeds in check even when the nature starts to revive in spring and before your clients can return to their summer residences to tend to them. Plants that are great ground covers include strawberries, nasturtiums, clover, comfrey and others.

Roots. In the shrub category, we have many productive roots that are both edible, require little work and live well together with other plants. Most importantly, they are not bothered too much by lack of sun or nearby forest. These roots include potatoes, onions, garlic and beets. Some more experienced gardeners advise against growing carrots or parsnip, as they do not play as well with other plants.

Herbs. There are many herbs that tolerate decent amount of shade and can be used in a forest garden. Most importantly, they add a lot of charm that your clients are probably aiming for when looking for bespoke log cabins for sale. Outdoor cooking with freshly picked herbs is one of the biggest perks of owning a log home. Herbs that tolerate the shade and nearby a forest include cardamom, ginger, fennel, cilantro, chamomile and others. Make sure your clients check the herb status in their area, as sometimes, even the most benign-looking herbs can become invasive given the right conditions.

Trees. Trees serve as protectors for all the growth underneath them. They safeguard the shrubs and herbs from the elements, block out too much sun and take care so other plants would not drown in too much water. Additionally, trees can be great decorative pieces near private label homes. These are usually trees that bear fruit, like apples, pears, cherries and so on. If your client’s log homes are close to the forest, the wild trees can serve the same function, if located adequately. Wild trees should be taken into account when planning the forest garden.

A forest garden is a project that requires a lot of patience at the beginning. Each bespoke log homes owner will have an individual vision of what they want to grow. Your role as log cabins supplier should be to plan the log house in such a way that terraces or balconies would face this garden. There is nothing quite like a happy client after listening to your sound advice.

And if you yourself are looking for sound advice on glulam house construction and a steady partner, check out our Partner Program. It might be just the partnership you are looking for. Good luck!