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Business at home: tips on how to run a successful business from your garden office

Organising any work from home can be tricky. With the lack of space, or other family members intruding on your routine can get difficult to manage. A common solution in these troubled times has become a garden office, or garden glulam log cabins converted into effective workspace. These conversions can range from professionally done, to a messy move. We must do everything to prepare our glulam log cabins, garden rooms or other spaces to maintain that productivity level our work requires.

That’s why we at Eurodita have decided to share a few tips on how to organise yourself in such a way that your business would go on smoothly from your garden office. We will cover what you need to keep in mind when transferring your work essentials, and what are the basic necessities of a correct log cabin design.

 Assessing your essential needs

When moving into your chosen log cabin office, make a list of basic necessities you will need there. And we’re talking about truly basic, like, is your log cabin equipped with electricity? If it is, is it powerful enough to sustain all of your energy needs? What about heating? If you’re working in the Northern regions, chances are sooner or later you will need to work through winter. Does your chosen garden office has enough heating to keep you warm and comfortable? Lastly, does your log cabin have a desk or other surface that you can put your laptop on, or other work-related materials. Also, consider what other essential furniture you will need to keep you productive.

Consider the light

When planning your workspace, consider if the source of light is sufficient, or you will need to have artificial light solutions. Of course, it’s always best to have a source of natural light. In case you have enough, consider how to arrange the furniture in your glulam log cabin to capture enough light where you need it most. But in case you don’t have enough, consider light solutions that would simulate the natural light as much as possible.

Organise and dedicate spaces efficiently

Your log cabin office may be perfectly ready to host your successful business. But before you jump into it, remember to keep organise your space. Divide the glulam log cabin room into spaces, dedicated to different activities. If your work revolves around a computer and a desk, naturally that space is your productivity space. Also dedicate a corner – a sofa or an armchair – to rest in, where you don’t have to think about work at all. Lastly, assign a place for stretching and light exercise. It’s very helpful to have a log cabin with a small porch, where you can leave the workspace for a while before continuing your routine.

Another thing to organise are your supplies. Notebooks, sketchbooks, writing, drawing supplies, enough water, snacks, etc – make sure you have everything in one place. Every time you get away from your productivity area to obtain supplies that you otherwise would have in your old workplace – you loose valuable work time. Not to mention standing up and loosing concentration. That’s why you should move all your essential supplies the log cabin before you start work. Think carefully on how to arrange them, keep it tidy.

Final tips

Things we cover here might seem obvious. Of course it makes sense to arrange bespoke log cabins and prepare them to be worked in. Yet between the plan and its execution there can be a huge difference and once you put it down on paper, some unexpected steps might come to light. If you’re looking to purchase the right kind of glulam log cabins for your office, we covered tips on what to look for in our previous post. Also we have a collection of great made to measure log cabins that you can browse to get ideas of what could be a good cabin or garden room for you. Then we encourage to contact your local log homes suppliers to get good offers.

Last and truly important tip we have is to always track your time. Organise not just your space, but your time as well. Track your work and don’t overdo it. It’s much easier to loose your time and yourself in work when there isn’t such a rigid schedule as in an office. Don’t push yourself too hard or over your limit.